Ivan Pavlov

I had been working solidly on Pavlov for a few days in November and was making good progress.  However, I was tied up with other projects in December and frustratingly, I didn’t get a chance to paint.  Today, I decided to make a start on Pavlov’s dog. 

I am working from a photograph of Stella, an English Shepherd that belongs to my friend Hana.  If everything goes to plan, I should finish this in the next couple of weeks.

– Ting


I’ve started a project with Neurocomic to create some canvases for an exhibition in 2013.  Here is a near complete figure of Ivan Pavlov, the Russian physiologist, who is famous for his experiments on conditioned response.




The tasselled shoulder pads on this one still needs work, but I’m happy to leave it for now.

– Ting